Monday, October 17, 2022

I’m the want she want.

To everything your defiance.

A poets lot ceaseless.

She tribute to missive

she give life to. 

Lord over it all 

conventional heterosexual.

As she sex pot.


This commonality linger for longer.

Linen and little else.

The lines defined and varied woman.

In some quarters lauded charm alarm.

I’m just the wicked goose bump her skin.

Full lips and jinx.


The genesis the, to-do.

The pliant and flamboyant.

Prize in your diary.

Want for you erotic.


A mutual that make it art.

In this we’re candid.

Love is pestilence but timely

act of kindness.

Once in motion change

in social grace form consent.


Local wine. Local trick.

It don’t go but spit on it.

The rowdy in the house.

Virtue weaponized.

His way unrefined.

The surge in line 

with happenstance.

The frighten she delight in. GL©

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

We afternoon as lovers.

She is cherubim

and the gallery of which she mimic.

The Bedlamite.

I am stranger to the order.

They Look to blame.

They cannot explain and

need not ceremony cross the threshold.


Seek love in the right light.

Furtherance the good life.

A kiss and with that we endeavor.

The measurable excess.

Trust I”m incorrigible.


I remember every then on.

Dream this over the top.

Age of inquisitive intimates.

The wind pick up as the cloud burst of a dream.

Gender roles in our frequence.

With that in motion one more in the fold.


A fashion of triumph.

The power of ten.  

Enter the garden the vainglorious

live for the trick.

You keep your eyes for wolves.

Give him his win.

I want to be let.

Is discovery darling.


She determined ethereal.

My irregular her betterment.

I’m as thirsty as in wonder.

Just the age to by stand the will and won’t.

The intermittent optimist.

What boundaries ain’t bound.

Vanity she couldn’t sate is sex you’re after.

A tease of goods.

You’re comfortable in robes.

Alight the intimate, the loyal foil.

I want un-orthodox.

A warmth dream lover.

Sunday come calling.

Streets is wet and windy.

There always roles.

See your mind from cuckold.

Figures barefoot in the reeds.  GL©

A powerful yen. The intimate she warn of. The mutual palpable self-sabotage. The story: Bedlam/Metropolitan  same. Sensation.   ...