Thursday, February 18, 2021

Save Yourself

Save Yourself 

All the wonder loosed

on strong wine.

Keep your grimace throughout.  

The eventual macabre compel

her spree was power given to me.

None encumbrance

short pulling hair.

I’m Mad Hatter.

Let her tell it,

Is guile we like this.

I’m heavy weight 

ain't outdone.

Bit of carouse

I tear her gown.

Run out in the 

garden without robe.

Hold hope the lonely pass.


The fates are, 

there is pain.

She’s fun and games

like prize is her life.


I presume upon yours.

I’m willing partner all things.

I’m cause how it was.

Elder girl put me on it.

All the best ritual.

Mine is sea side death spiral.

Inestimable ardor great shakes. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



The fellow beside me won’t shoot me.

Is that a battle flag in your bag.

Should I trust a friendly face?

The hate for me none other

than we’re the same but 

I should be subordinate.

I’m traitor I don’t project your ancestry.

They (south) rise again.

And The labor is dark 

missives then as now.

Field nigga. House nigga. 

It ain’t but a word.

However enlightened, 

viper is partisan man of war.


Was Privileged that killed her.

Fool’s errand got her shot.

Act of sedition for the right to address me

out my name. 

Asses the threat I pose

The world is watching.

Export your hatred, 

United States.

Says so on paper.

Articles of this and that nostalgia.

Trust we were ever civil.  



Your overture about wine

and this fellow likes wine

and the conversation becomes

what is your favorite wine?

And we match over wine.

I’m outside your sphere

but for the algorithm.

One petty or another.

How smart you are.

Just that quick unmatched. 

I haven’t chariot 

or wage for your grace. ©




A powerful yen. The intimate she warn of. The mutual palpable self-sabotage. The story: Bedlam/Metropolitan  same. Sensation.   ...